CLEAN Energy

MEA's Clean Energy Goal: 50% by year 2050.

28% reduction

in carbon emissions since 2012.

Currently 16%

of power is generated with renewable energy (primarily with hydro from Eklutna and Bradley Lakes).

70% of members

support MEA diversifying to more clean energy sources while maintaining reliability.

Carbon Reduction

Members Show Support

In 2020, as part of its strategic initiatives, MEA investigated the development of a carbon reduction strategy. Since 2019, in the annual membership surveys, more than 75% of MEA members expressed support for their electric co-op to develop a carbon reduction goal. MEA staff reviewed best practices among other electric utilities for carbon reduction, compiled important metrics about MEA’s current generation mix and recent carbon reduction gains, and held listening sessions with members to get their feedback and ideas moving forward with this initiative. Detailed studies were also conducted to determine different options and trade-offs to achieve carbon reduction. MEA met its carbon reduction target of 28% by year 2030 early. In 2023, the MEA Board set a new target for clean energy that includes a focus on continuing to decrease the co-op's carbon footprint.

Taking Action - Adding More Clean Energy

MEA is focused on diversification of our energy portfolio. In August of 2023, MEA’s Board of Directors passed a resolution to achieve 50% clean energy by year 2050. In addition to a clean energy goal, the board has set other strategic priorities including:

  • maintaining high levels of reliability,
  • maximize resilience, achieve energy security, and place downward pressure on rates to enhance economic growth,
  • support near-term gas supply efforts while leaving flexibility for clean energy and other non-gas options in the future,
  • identify and implement an energy diversification plan that continues to decrease our carbon footprint,
  • achieve significant federal and state dollars to upgrade grid infrastructure and advance Railbelt goals providing options for future clean energy integrations,
  • and investigate options for load growths/shifts, including efficiency and beneficial electrification.
A smart thermostat on the wall

MEA has reduced carbon emissions (metric tons of CO2e/mWh) by 28% since 2012. This reduction is primarily attributed to the construction and utilization of MEA’s highly efficient Eklutna Generation Station (EGS) power plant. EGS is one of the most efficient thermal generation power plants in the Railbelt, which reduces MEA’s overall consumption of fossil fuels.