You have never been an MEA member or previous membership has been inactive for more than 12 months.
If you are a new member applying for service, you need the following to connect your service:
You are a current member or have been an MEA member at some point in the previous 12 months.
If you are an existing member applying for service, please make sure any outstanding balances have been paid prior to applying for service. Once your payments are current, simply fill out the Service Application or call MEA Member Service with the meter number where you plan to connect.
Cash and check payments are accepted from all members. We accept credit card payments from residential members but do not accept credit card payments for business members.
Are you new to the MEA Service Area and are moving into a home, renting, or starting a new business? You will need to become a member of the cooperative. To apply for a New Membership, please click on and complete the applicable Residential or Business Application below. By clicking on the applicable membership application, you will be directed to DocuSign to complete and sign your application.
If you are an existing member but moving into a new location and need service, please click on and complete the Change of Service Request. You will be directed to DocuSign to complete and sign your application.
Once signed and completed, your application will be processed and an MEA Member Service Representative will contact you within 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) after receiving your application to discuss your account details and payment options.
If you are not able to complete the applicable application electronically, contact our Member Service Department or visit one of our District Offices for assistance.
Select one of the applications below if you are a new member applying for service or if a previous membership has been inactive for more than 12 months.
Select the below Change of Service Request if you are an existing member applying for service, or if you have been an MEA member at some point in the previous 12 months.
You will need to pay any outstanding balances prior to applying for service.
Cash, credit card and check payments are now accepted for both residential and business members.