Report a Danger Tree

See a Tree Touching the Line? 
Please call our dispatchers immediately if you observe a tree touching an overhead line at 907-746-POWR (7697), and select option "3". Do not touch the tree or try to move it yourself as it may be energized. Do not use the Danger Tree Report form below to report a tree that is currently touching the power line. A tree on the power line needs to be reported right away to our Dispatch. Please call 1-907-746-7697, and select option "3" to report a tree on the line to Dispatch.

Report a Danger Tree on your Property

Need to have a Danger Tree cleared on your property? Please complete our Danger Tree Report Form at the link below. MEA provides Danger Tree clearing for members year-round.

What is a Danger Tree?

Providing safe and reliable power to our members is our top priority. If you have a tree on your privately owned property that you are worried about falling into the power line or on electrical equipment, you can report your Danger Tree to MEA and we will come to inspect it and/or take it down free of charge. We provide Danger Tree clearing year-round.

To Report a Danger Tree, please complete the form and submit it to our Clearing Department. If you need assistance filling out the form or have questions for Reporting a Danger Tree please contact our Clearing Department during business hours at 907-761-9269 or email

MEA greatly appreciates the assistance of our members to help us identify trees and vegetation that may pose a threat to the safety and reliability of our electric system. To learn more about safe tree planting, review this Right Tree, Right Place brochure from the Cooperative Extension Service.

See a Tree Touching the Line? 
Please call our dispatchers immediately if you observe a tree touching an overhead line, 907-746-POWR (7697). Do not touch the tree or try to move it yourself as it may be energized.

Spruce Bark Beetle Danger Tree Mitigation

MEA is proactively working to mitigate danger Spruce Bark Beetle kill trees throughout our service territory. In 2019, clearing crews took down more than 8,100 hazardous spruce bark beetle killed trees. Much of the clearing work this summer will include clearing of infested spruce bark beetle killed trees inside of the easements, especially in the highly infested areas throughout Willow and along Willow Fishhook Road.



spruce bark beetle killed trees cleared in 2019.



danger trees cleared in 2019.



outages caused by in-easement trees in 2019.

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