You have never been an MEA member or previous membership has been inactive for more than 12 months.
If you are a new member applying for service, you need the following to connect your service:
You are a current member or have been an MEA member at some point in the previous 12 months.
If you are an existing member applying for service, please make sure any outstanding balances have been paid prior to applying for service. Once your payments are current, simply fill out the Service Application or call MEA Member Service with the meter number where you plan to connect.
Cash and check payments are accepted from all members. We accept credit card payments from residential members but do not accept credit card payments for business members.
If you are moving out of MEA’s service territory and need to have your power stopped or disconnected, please contact our Member Services at 907-761-9300 or visit one of our offices in Wasilla, Palmer or Eagle River. It may take up to three days for your power service to be discontinued. We will need to know the date you would like the service disconnected, the meter number, location of service and your MEA account number if you have it available.
If you are moving within MEA’s service territory and need to sign out of one service location and into another, please give us a call at 907-761-9300 or visit one of our open office locations. We will need to know the meter number at your new service location that you would like to be signed into. Please note that it may take up to five days for us to have your power turned on at your new location, although we do our best to provide same day power services when we can.
There are no fees for disconnection, and members can pay their current balance at the time of their disconnection. However, please note that your current balance may not be your final bill, and you may receive your final bill for power service used from the end of your previous bill cycle to your disconnection date.