Operation RoundUp®

MEA Charitable Foundation


given back to the community since 2011

Local giving making a difference in our communities

Operation RoundUp® is a member supported program that allows our membership to round their bill to the nearest dollar each month. That additional change goes directly to support grants to organizations in our communities that we serve. The MEA Charitable Foundation Board, which is comprised of MEA member volunteers, meets quarterly to review and award Operation RoundUp® Grant Applications. All Operation RoundUp® funds are given locally and stay locally.

View List of 2024 Grant Recipients to date (.pdf)

View our 2023 Tax Record (.pdf)

Lynn Kyle, Director Chugiak Eagle River Food Pantry

How does RoundUp® Work?

Every month, your bill is rounded up to the nearest dollar.

In 2011, MEA Membership voted 2 to 1 to make Operation RoundUp® an “opt-out” program instead of an “opt-in” program. Your monthly billing statement will have a line listing Operation RoundUp® and your contribution

The money is collected and added to the MEA Charitable Foundation fund.

An estimated ~$168,000 is raised from the program each year from participating members

A volunteer board selects recipients from the grant application pool.

Each quarter the Charitable Foundation Board reviews the grant applications and awards grants to local organizations in our community.

Organization Grants - How to Apply

To apply for a grant please make sure you download and complete the application. Applicants must be located within our service territory which includes Eagle River/Chugiak and the entire Mat-Su Borough region. Organizational Grant Applications are capped at $10,000. Grant applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the quarterly deadline. *Please note that you must include your organization's financial information in the application or your application cannot be reviewed.

Individual Grant Applications
The MEA Charitable Foundation no longer processes individual grant applications. MEACF has partnered with other local organizations for individual grant requests. MEA members can reach out to Connect Mat-Su or, if you have a disability and need individual grant assistance please contact Access Alaska.

event Grant Application Deadline Calendar

1st Quarter - March 27
(grants awarded after April 10, 2025)

2nd Quarter - June 26
(grants awarded after July 10, 2025)

3rd Quarter - September 25
(grants awarded after October 9, 2025)

4th Quarter - December 27
(grants awarded after January 9, 2026)

Get started on your grant application today

This short video covers all you need to know on how to apply for an MEA Charitable Foundation grant.

Chugiak Eagle River Food Pantry

Your donations help put food on the tables throughout our community

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I or my organization apply for a grant?

To apply for a grant please download the appropriate application below and submit the completed application via the instructions on the last page of the application.

Grant Application Deadlines

Applications Received at MEA Headquarters By
Grant Awarded After
March 31
April 28
June 30
July 28
September 30
October 27
December 29
January 26

*Grants are due in an office by 5 p.m. on the day they are due. The Charitable Foundation Board regrets it is unable to expedite grants.

How much money will be raised each year?

Based on an average of .25 cents per month from participating MEA members, about $168,000 could be raised annually.

Who decides where donated funds are distributed?

Charitable Foundation grant applications are reviewed by and voted on by a volunteer Board of Directors made up of MEA members representing the entire service area. Each of the seven (7) MEA Board members nominate a representative for the MEA Charitable Foundation Board of Directors. These foundation volunteers receive no stipend and/or mileage reimbursements. They are:

David Dahms
Barbara Gerard
Kelly Sidebottom
Dee Bowns
Linda Menard
Sue Smith
Angela Hobbie
Robert Johnson
Sharon Hein

Applications are reviewed and voted on quarterly.

How do I know how much of my bill is going to Operation RoundUp®?

Your monthly billing statement will have a line listing Operation RoundUp® and the amount that rounds up your bill to the next dollar.

Why is it an opt-out program?

In 2011, the MEA Membership voted 2 to 1 to make Operation RoundUp an “opt-out” program instead of an “opt-in” program. After approval from the MEA Board of Directors and the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA), MEA bills are now automatically rounded up to the nearest dollar. Each participating MEA member gives $.11-$11.88 annually, with the average amount being $4.22. None of the funds go toward administrative costs or anything other than the grants provided; the program is operated by our volunteer Charitable Foundation Board.

Members have the option to opt-out of the program and be refunded up to three years of their contributions by request. To opt-out, e-mail optout@mea.coop, call customer service at (907) 761-9300 or visit us in person at any one of our three district offices.

I'd like to give more than a dollar each month, can I?

Absolutely! You can designate any additional amount you would like to donate by calling customer service at (907) 761-9300 or visit us in person at any one of our three district offices.

Are my donations tax deductible?

While MEA can’t offer tax advice, your donations can generally be considered tax deductible, charitable contributions.

If I have multiple accounts will they all be rounded up?

Yes. Every MEA account will be rounded up to the nearest dollar.

What if I choose not to participate?

To opt-out, e-mail optout@mea.coop, call customer service at (907) 761-9300 or visit us in person at any one of our three district offices.

What if I have opted out of the program and now wish to participate again?

To rejoin the program, just email us at optin@mea.coop, call customer service at (907) 761-9300, or visit one of our district offices in Palmer, Wasilla, or Eagle River.

What if I change my mind after a few months? Can I get my money back?

Yes. If at any time during your enrollment you change your mind, you can contact us and the entire amount contributed by you in the three years immediately preceding your opt-out date will be credited to your electric account.