One of the great benefits of our electric co-op is that we are led by our members.
From our Bylaws to our Board of Directors, how we power our communities is up to us!
Each April, we hold our annual membership election and our annual membership meeting. Members that would like to run for the open Board of Directors seats can apply in January, with the election in April. Members will receive their voting materials by mail and/or electronically at the end of March and early April. Learn more about this year's election here: on previous member attendance and survey feedback, this year's Annual Membership meeting will be held in the afternoon on Tuesday, April 29, 2025 at the Glenn Massay Theater. Doors will open at 2:00 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 3:00 p.m. Refreshments and prizes (including an MEA retired fleet truck) will be offered to attending co-op members as well as a $10 bill credit. The Board will highlight co-op accomplishments from the previous year and share strategic priorities and initiatives for our energy future. There is also an opportunity for members to provide comments at the meeting, and learn about other organizations in our community. Members can also participate in the annual meeting on Zoom, and can register at this link.
Thank you to all of our members that voted in 2024's District Board Seat Elections. The preliminary election results (shown below) were shared at the Annual Meeting on April 30, 2024 and was certified at the next regular board meeting on May 13, 2024. For the Susitna East District, candidate Maxwell Sumner won with nearly 65% of the vote. For the Susitna West District, candidate Bill Kendig won with 47.5% of the vote. The year of free electricity prize for voting was won by MEA members Jayne and Michael Koskovich of Meadow Lakes. Congratulations!
This year's annual membership meeting was held on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at the Glenn Massay Theater. If you missed it, you can watch the meeting here.
View the 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes HERE.
View the 2024 Annual Meeting Agenda HERE.
If you are interested in serving on the committee to help with our annual membership election process or Bylaws, please fill out and submit the committee application (.pdf)
District Map